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Human Resources

  • 2 Steps


Master course in Human resources 2.0 An effective human resources (HR) management department can help provide organizational structure and the ability to meet business needs by managing your business’s most valuable asset – your employees. Several disciplines make up the HR department, and human resources managers working at smaller companies might perform more than one of the five main duties: talent management, compensation and benefits for employees, training and development, compliance, and workplace safety. 1. Talent Management The talent management team in the HR department covers a lot of ground. What used to be distinct areas of the department have been rolled up under one umbrella. The talent management team is responsible for recruiting, hiring, developing, and retaining employees. Recruiters are the heavy lifters in building any company’s workforce. They’re responsible for the total hiring process including posting positions on job boards, sourcing candidates through job fairs and social media, serving as the first-line contacts for running background checks to screen candidates, conducting the initial interviews, and coordinating with the hiring manager responsible for making the final selection. A recruiter’s success is determined by several key metrics: the number of positions they fill each year, where candidates are coming from (e.g., job postings, social media, career fairs, etc.), the time it takes to fill positions, and reasons why an applicant wasn’t

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